Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pray for Bible School Students

The school year started off with a real bang, over 55 first year students as well as returning students made about 150 students, and might be one of our highest enrollments since 1982. We were not only pleased with the quantity, but the quality of students as well. They all seem hungry for God and His Word. It is always a joy to teach those who searching for greater understanding.

Yet, as we closed out the first semester of the school year, we saw that there was trouble a brewing. Almost half of our student body were not able to finish paying their school bill. I believe this is the first time we have had so many who could not pay. It tells the story how difficult things are here in Haiti. You must know that in Haiti there are no financial aid programs or student loans available. Everyone has to pay cash for their schooling. I guess if it was this way in the States, most of those who are presently in college would not be there. Thankfully, it is not quite as expensive here in Haiti.

We do not know if these 60 plus students will be returning in January if God doesn't intervene on their behalf. As you can see we need a miracle. Pray with us that God delivers us from this difficult situation.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Transformer Installation

This is a great day for us! Yesterday, we had our private transformer installed in front of our house after three months of no city power due to an area transformer going bad. We want to thank all of you who contributed to this. It ended up costing a total of $ 4200.00. The city power came on last night and we have now had 18 hours of electricity. The city power just went out this afternoon. This is the most unbroken power we have had in the past several years. Before the area transformer burnt out, we were getting 6 hours of electricity a day. I think the difference is that they connected us to a high priority line.

These are several pictures of the installation of our own private transformer. As you can see everything was done manually, from the digging of the hole to the raising of the post and transformer. It was quite amazing to see.

God is so goood!