Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

“The Word became flesh and made
his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory,
the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father,
full of grace and truth.
John 1:14

Dear Friends & Family,
As we are in the Christmas season, it is time again to celebrate the greatest gift of all, Jesus the Christ. It is a wondrous and glorious thing that our God took on our humanity that He might be our Savior and perfect High Priest who daily fights on our behalf. He is full of grace and truth. By His grace we are saved, and through the same grace, he sustains us. As we allow His truth to renew our hearts and minds, we are being transformed into His image.

We pray that you have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. As we reflect back on 2018, we are so thankful for God’s faithfulness to us personally and the ministry that He has given us. Also, we are thankful for your financial and prayerful support. We could not be doing what we are doing without you.

As we look towards the new year, we know that he goes before us. We are believing for great things. We are believing for his continued financial support, and protection over us. We are believing for the New Life Bible College pavilion to be completed which will serve as a multi-purpose facility. We are believing that God will allow us to establish several satellite Bible schools in key areas of Haiti.

As we look towards 2019, we make an appeal for teams to come and serve the wonderful people of Haiti. We are looking for building teams, ministry teams or a combination of both.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Pavilion Needed for New Life Bible College

Margaret and I are doing well. We are working hard in preparing for the new school year. We want to thank all those who support a school child and/or a Bible college student. Without your support we would not be able to educate over 300 elementary children and train over 80 men and women in our Bible College. Also, we thank each and every one of our supporters for their prayers and faithful giving.

New Life Bible College begins on September 1st and we would like to challenge you to help us put up a large pavilion (30ftx30ft) for New Life Bible college. This pavilion will be a multi-purpose facility for New Life Bible College, which is greatly needed. It will be used as a gathering place for students between classes as well as a cafeteria/classroom. Until this is built, there will be no good place for our students to gather or eat their lunches. 

The cost of this project is $18,000 which will be done in two stages. The first stage costing $7,400 and the second stage 10,600. We encourage you to send funds to enable us to complete this much needed facility.
Also, if you would like to send a team to work on pouring the columns (pillars) for this facility, we would love to have you. Just email us and we can start planning for your trip.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


We rejoice in the Lord that 28 of our Bible College students graduated on May 26th. We are proud of each and every one of them that persevered in their studies over a 5 year period and received their bachelor’s degree in theology. Many are already making and impact in their local churches and society as a whole. We are believing for greater works through them for the kingdom of Christ.    

We are presently in the United States and will be returning to Haiti on July 3rd. We are enjoying spending time with family and friends. 

Please pray:
1) As we travel and share in 3 churches on the West Coast.
2) For Haiti because the economy does not seem to be improving, and violence is on the rise.
3) That God provides for the pavilion we need to build for New Life Bible College. 

Please consider giving to the second phase of building this pavilion which is estimated at $3,500. This is a much needed place for our students to eat their lunches, and will also be used as a large classroom. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Pavilion Going Up & Leadership Conference

Footers (Foundations for Columns)
Last Month was a very busy month for us. We had John Wicks in who helped kick off the pavilion that we are building for New Life Bible College. After he left, we had our Haitian builders continue putting in the footers (the base or concrete pads for the columns) for the pavilion (12 in all). We now need to pour our concrete columns which will hold up our steel and corrugated roofing system. This second phase of the project is estimated at $3,500. Please consider giving towards this second phase of the project that we might have a nice place for our students to eat their lunches, and to use as a classroom when needed. In the month of March, we had a great retreat for our New Life Mission leaders.

We had 43 leaders who attended this 3 day retreat. We thank Pastor Robert Muncy for bringing 4 speakers from various churches and ministries in the United States to minister to our church leaders. They spoke on “Ministering out of our Relationship with the Father as Sons and Daughters”. This teaching is much needed since our church culture here seeks to merit God’s favor through living right and doing good works, instead of serving Him out of the position they have in Christ.

New Life Mission Leadership Retreat

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Pavilion Being Built

As you may know, several years ago we purchased a piece of land adjacent to the Bible College. At this time we are using it as a gathering place for students between classes and as our lunch area. We have a shade cloth over part of it presently to diminish the sun rays. We have now decided to build a pavilion to protect the students completely from sun and rain. We are planning on doing it in 3 stages – footings, columns, and roof. First stage will cost $ 600. The second stage will cost $ 2,400. The third stage will cost $ 2,600. Please consider coming on a team and/or financially supporting this project as God leads you. We would like to do our first stage in July

Radio Broadcast

EXCITING NEWS - I have begun teaching on a radio station in West Palm Beach every 3rd Sunday from 10 pm. to 11 pm. I dial their number and teach over my phone. It is broadcast live with a question and answer time at the end. This is done on a Spanish / Haitian radio station called Sansfrontiere. If anyone wants more information on this radio station just go to www.wpspradio.com

Ministry & Carnival

A lot happened during the week of Carnival/Mardi Gras. While the world was partying, it was an opportunity for us as a church to do more ministry because people are off work and schools were all out for the week of festivities. During this time, 4 of our 5 Bible school classes held intensive 3 day courses. Also, the 4th year Bible College students had 4 days of ministry at one of our churches in the mountains. Led by Professor Jose Brenard, 14 students preached, taught, evangelized, and worked at restoring broken relationships in Fond de Blanc church. During those 4 days, 25 people came to know the Lord and 10 members were restored to the local church there. Also during Carnival week, I went to minister in our New Life church in Lazile, which is 4 ½ hours from where we live. I taught a seminar to 45 church leaders as well as preaching Sunday morning in their church. It was a blessed time in the Lord. I thank God for Pastor Ylophane Dieuseul who is doing a good work.