Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Friday, July 21, 2017

New Vehicle

After being two months in the United States, we are back home, in Haiti. We traveled over 4000 miles by car. Flew to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and back to Haiti. Flew from Rochester, NY to Plano, TX to visit my mother, two brothers and their families. We thank all those who allowed us to stay in their homes, and the churches that put us in hotels during our travels. It was great seeing everyone and ministering in the churches. We were truly blessed by you all.

As some of you may know already, we are looking at buying a new 4x4 Double Cab Diesel pick-up truck for us and the ministry we are doing in Haiti. It will replace our present one. We thank all those who contributed to the present one we have. It has now 7 years old. Seven years of service here is like 12 years of service in the U.S.

We use our pick-up truck extensively. We carry up to 10 people sometimes with the two benches in the back. We haul construction materials for churches and schools. We have even put live stock in the back. It takes us to remote churches, that often require 4 wheel drive, where we preach and teach the Word of God. A dependable truck is a necessity in a country where mechanics shops are not the best, and parts are very expensive.

In light of all this, we would ask you to consider making a donation to our truck fund. The truck we are planing on purchasing is $33,000. We still need $16,000.

May the Lord richly bless you,
Roger & Margaret Clark 
Send Support to:
Elim Fellowship
1703 Dalton Road
Lima, NY 14485

Make checks payable to ‘Elim Fellowship’ and include a note stating, "Preferred for Roger Clark, Grant fund, truck"

You can also give at:
Click ‘give’; ‘missionaries’&‘Roger Clark, grant fund'