Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Student Ministry & New Life Bible College Crisis

In February, our 4th year New Life Bible College Students went out for 4 days of ministry in a remote mountain village of Haiti, where one of our alumni pastors a church. This group of 20 students visited 161 homes, where they prayed for and encouraged those present. They also witnessed to 345 people, and led 15 people to the Lord. Along with this they taught Bible studies every morning, and held revival services every evening. We praise the Lord for the work they accomplished for Christ’s kingdom in the midst of very difficult circumstances.

As in many countries all over the world, Haiti has temporarily closed churches, schools and many businesses do to the Covid -19 virus. As a result, New Life Bible College is shut down until the government allows schools to re-open. This puts the Bible College in a very difficult position financially because our students pay by the month.

We still have yearly contracts with our Bible College teachers that we need to honor despite having no current income from the students. Their contracts go through June. At this point, the government has not indicated when they will allow schools to resume. After looking at our budget, we will need $4,000 to finish out the contracts for this school year. The Haitian government will not give us any help to fulfill this goal. Therefore, we turn to you our prayer partners and supporters to help us meet this need. We know that you may be facing financial challenges of your own, but ask the Lord if He would have you give to this need. Our teachers and staff are dependent on this source of income. 

 Send gifts to:
Elim Fellowship, 1703 Dalton Road, Lima, NY 14485
Please include a note stating "preferred for Roger Clark Grant Fund"