Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Pavilion Being Built

As you may know, several years ago we purchased a piece of land adjacent to the Bible College. At this time we are using it as a gathering place for students between classes and as our lunch area. We have a shade cloth over part of it presently to diminish the sun rays. We have now decided to build a pavilion to protect the students completely from sun and rain. We are planning on doing it in 3 stages – footings, columns, and roof. First stage will cost $ 600. The second stage will cost $ 2,400. The third stage will cost $ 2,600. Please consider coming on a team and/or financially supporting this project as God leads you. We would like to do our first stage in July

Radio Broadcast

EXCITING NEWS - I have begun teaching on a radio station in West Palm Beach every 3rd Sunday from 10 pm. to 11 pm. I dial their number and teach over my phone. It is broadcast live with a question and answer time at the end. This is done on a Spanish / Haitian radio station called Sansfrontiere. If anyone wants more information on this radio station just go to www.wpspradio.com

Ministry & Carnival

A lot happened during the week of Carnival/Mardi Gras. While the world was partying, it was an opportunity for us as a church to do more ministry because people are off work and schools were all out for the week of festivities. During this time, 4 of our 5 Bible school classes held intensive 3 day courses. Also, the 4th year Bible College students had 4 days of ministry at one of our churches in the mountains. Led by Professor Jose Brenard, 14 students preached, taught, evangelized, and worked at restoring broken relationships in Fond de Blanc church. During those 4 days, 25 people came to know the Lord and 10 members were restored to the local church there. Also during Carnival week, I went to minister in our New Life church in Lazile, which is 4 ½ hours from where we live. I taught a seminar to 45 church leaders as well as preaching Sunday morning in their church. It was a blessed time in the Lord. I thank God for Pastor Ylophane Dieuseul who is doing a good work.