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Pastor Dody's Shelter |
The next home we want to build is for pastor Dody Duverseau. When his home collapsed, he and his wife barely made it out alive. Their whole household is still under the rubble, and unsalvageable. He had two foster children, one of them died in the earthquake and the other lost her arm. It is heart breaking to hear their story.
We have five more pastor homes we want to build. I ask you to put yourselves in their shoes. Imagine being in a tent or make shift shelter 10 ft by 10ft covered with tarps for 10 months with what little worldly possessions you have left. Imagine being in there with temperatures over 100 degrees; imagine at night when it rains, water comes through the cracks or runs across your floor and you have to stand up all night; imagine no kitchen, no bathroom, no shower; imagine basically living outside and doing everything outside, going inside only to sleep.
We can build a home for one of these pastors for $12,000. We are unable to continue building homes without your help. What better Christmas present could we give our fellow laborers in Christ who give their lives daily caring for God's flock? Won’t you help us give these pastors a home for Christmas?
Perhaps you can only do a portion of a house. Perhaps only a few blocks, or a door, or a few pieces of tin for the roof. Don’t think that you have to do it all by yourself. In Haiti we have a saying, “Anpil men, chay pa lou.” (With many hands the load is not heavy.) If we each give a portion we can achieve much for the Lord and in the lives of these pastors.
Yours in Christ,
Roger & Margaret Clark
You may send your gifts to Elim Fellowship, 1703 Dalton Road, Lima, NY 14485. Please mark them "preferred for Roger Clark - Pastor's homes".