It is great to back home in Haiti after our visit to the states. Yet, Haiti is a land of many challenges. The first day after getting back, we had to clean the house from top to bottom. There was a layer of dust over everything about an inch thick. The house was locked and not in use for two months, but no glass in the windows. We live in a house open to the elements. Yes, there is no air conditioning.
We came back to find mice living in our photocopier in the Bible school, which as you can imagine, is not a good scenario. Then soon after we found a rat in a cupboard on our porch. Then the following week, we found a rat in our guest house. When I chased it with a stick and cornered him on the back porch, he leaped off the porch, only to land on his feet two floors down in the yard and run away.
We have been gearing up for the school year. I have been preaching in Haitian churches, and publicizing the Bible School since being back in hopes of a good group of first year students. Margaret has been overseeing a three day seminar for our elementary school teachers.
Yesterday, I was talking to the pastor of New Life Church of Demier and asking him how construction of the church and school are coming. We had left a Haitian team to work on it while we were gone. If you remember, this is the church that takes two hours by car and a three hour walk to arrive there from where we live. He gave a good report on the progress being made. We have erected two school buildings, in the process of building a bathroom, and half way done with re-building the church which will also be used for two classes during the week.
Yet, with progress, there is always challenges. The challenge we are facing now is that because of the large tin roofs the water is washing away the land around the school. You must understand that the church and school are on the very top of a mountain. To combat this problem, there are two things we can and must do: first build a water tank to collect the water off the roofs, but it will not be able to hold all the water; second, build a graded retaining wall to stop the erosion. Of course this all requires money which we don't have at this time.
Be in prayer for the Bible school, our elementary school, and the on going construction of the Demier church location.
We thank all those who remember us in prayer and give towards the work here.