Being a missionary in Haiti is such FUN. We never lack for exciting things to do.
The past 10 days have gone something like this:
Rachel arrived for a 3 week visit! Yeah!
JP Kim arrived from Maryland to help distribute some goats.
We drove south and into the mountains for 3 hours, parked, hiked straight up for 30 min at 1PM in the hot sun.
I got dizzy and we stopped several times, but I made it to the church!
Held a service that evening and Roger preached.
Loaded the 55 goats into the big red truck and drove 3 more hours over bad mountain roads and through a river to another church.
Pastor Carrenan gave a teaching on goats and then we distributed the goats to folks from 5 different churches in that area.
Was great to see everyone excited to start raising goats.
Held a service that evening and again on Sunday AM. Roger preached at both.
Slept on a blanket on a hard cement floor and the night club next door played LOUD music until 4 AM.
Didn't really sleep too well!
Then drove 4 hours home.
Then we were off again. This time to the beach near Jacmel.
Arrived about 10AM and began setting up a large tent. It's about 14 ft square.
Worked all day in the hot sun and we all got a bit sunburned.
But we had a lovely place to sleep that night...with the sound of the waves and the gently ocean breeze.
We all slept well, even though we were on mats on the ground in a tent.
Spent the next day relaxing in the shade.
The third day at the beach we spent putting up tent number 2.
Started early and then relaxed.
These tents will be used for our pastors retreat in August. We will have 14 pastors there for 3 days of teaching and relaxing.
Traveled home yesterday and had a good nights rest in our own beds again.
Yes, we're tired, but we had great FUN!
Blessings to all,
Roger, Margaret & Rachel Clark
PS - Rejoice with us...today is our wedding anniversary...24 years of fun and adventure! Can't wait to see what the next 24 will bring!