Clark’s Haiti
Happenings 2015
Standing in the Gap, Strengthening,
and Encouraging the Body of Christ
March 2015
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus
I trust all is well with you. Much has
happened since our last update.
of all, we rejoice in the great success our 4th year Bible College students
had in a student ministry trip they made to a town
called Fond de Blanc. Our mission organization has a church in this area. It
was a 3 hour drive and a 30 minute hike to get to this town.
After they arrived on Saturday at noon they went walking through out the village, over hill and dale, inviting people to the 5 days of revival meetings that were going to be held every night from 5pm to 8pm. On Sunday they arose at 4:30 am for prayer and then taught 5 Sunday school classes, led worship and preached. After the service and lunch they split up in twos and went house to house encouraging people, praying and preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God. On Monday, they split up into 3 groups. One group remained in the church and taught the believers. The other 2 groups went out evangelizing in the surrounding areas. They did this every day they were there.
result of all their work, many grew in the Word, and were encouraged. Also
twenty two people gave their lives to the Lord and a number who had abandoned
the church were reconciled to the Lord and the local church.
for Him in Haiti,
& Margaret Clark
Correspondence & Personal gifts Send
Support to:
Roger &
Margaret Clark Elim Fellowship
100 Airport Ave
433 1703 Dalton Road