Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Friday, December 22, 2017

New Truck & Answer to Prayer

First and foremost, we thank God for His grace and mercy. Another year is almost over and God has sustained us and His work here in Haiti. Secondly, we want to thank all those who have prayed and given to us and New Life Mission of Haiti. Without you we would not be able to do what God has called us to do in Haiti. Lastly, we pray that God richly blesses you, and all the churches who stand with us.
We rejoice greatly because God has enabled us to purchase a new Ford double cab pickup truck. We thank all of you who prayed on our behalf and gave to this need. It will be a blessing to us and the ministry here in Haiti.

New Life Bible College has completed its first semester with 90 students in attendance. We ask you to keep them in prayer as many struggle financially and face many challenges in Haiti. Some may not return for the second semester due to these difficulties. We thank God for each one of our students who have committed themselves to 5 years of study.

Monday, October 9, 2017

New Year for New Life Bible College & New car very soon.

Greetings in the beloved name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We pray that this letter finds you doing well in the Lord.

Today is our 5th week of school for New Life Bible College. We thank God for the 90 students who are committed to five years of study. They come every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on most holidays to study the Word of God and be equipped for Christ's service. Some travel 5 hours every week to be trained. They make great sacrifices financially to study the Word of God at New Life Bible College. We thank all of you who sponsor a Bible College student. Many would not be able to come if it was not for your gifts. If you would like to sponsor a student, contact us by email for details.

Almost there!!! -We thank God for all those who have given towards our new double cab pickup truck fund. We only need $4,000 more to arrive at the amount needed to purchase one. A good 4 wheel drive vehicle is essential to the success of our work here in Haiti. It will be used extensively to serve the Haitian people and their churches. Please help us cross the finish line.

Our Leaders - We just finished a mini working retreat for our Haitian mission board. It was a time of great importance in working out some issues we face in New Life Mission of Haiti. We thank God that all went well. Pray for our leaders who face many challenges. One of the challenges Haitian churches are facing is keeping qualified leaders. Many leaders are leaving Haiti due to the poor economy which has worsened over the past few years.

 Troubling Times- Please be praying for Haiti. It is in very difficult times. There is much upheaval because the government is not making wise decisions. There are constant road block and strikes taking place throughout the country. Pray for protection for us and especially for Rachel who has to cross the city of Port-au-Prince every day to teach.

We thank you for your prayers and support of us and the Haitian people.

Friday, September 8, 2017

School Opening

We are excited to announce that we already have $10,000 for our new truck. We only lack $ 8,000. We thank everyone who has given to this important need. We are trusting God to bring in the rest of the money.

We have kicked off our new school year with a bang. Last month we had our teacher training for our elementary teachers to help them improve their methods. The 3 New Life Elementary schools sent in 35 teachers. School started on September 4th timidly which is the norm here in Haiti. It will not be until mid-September that we will truly know how many children will be present.

On the 2nd of September, we started the year for New Life Bible College. We had 50% of the school body present on the first day which is actually better than normal. As with the elementary school, we will not know how many students are actually returning or how many new students because we keep registration open until mid-September. Yes, this is odd to you, but it is normal procedure here in Haiti. We are anticipating a student body of 90 this year. Many are already leaders in their local churches and some are pastoring churches.

Friday, July 21, 2017

New Vehicle

After being two months in the United States, we are back home, in Haiti. We traveled over 4000 miles by car. Flew to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and back to Haiti. Flew from Rochester, NY to Plano, TX to visit my mother, two brothers and their families. We thank all those who allowed us to stay in their homes, and the churches that put us in hotels during our travels. It was great seeing everyone and ministering in the churches. We were truly blessed by you all.

As some of you may know already, we are looking at buying a new 4x4 Double Cab Diesel pick-up truck for us and the ministry we are doing in Haiti. It will replace our present one. We thank all those who contributed to the present one we have. It has now 7 years old. Seven years of service here is like 12 years of service in the U.S.

We use our pick-up truck extensively. We carry up to 10 people sometimes with the two benches in the back. We haul construction materials for churches and schools. We have even put live stock in the back. It takes us to remote churches, that often require 4 wheel drive, where we preach and teach the Word of God. A dependable truck is a necessity in a country where mechanics shops are not the best, and parts are very expensive.

In light of all this, we would ask you to consider making a donation to our truck fund. The truck we are planing on purchasing is $33,000. We still need $16,000.

May the Lord richly bless you,
Roger & Margaret Clark 
Send Support to:
Elim Fellowship
1703 Dalton Road
Lima, NY 14485

Make checks payable to ‘Elim Fellowship’ and include a note stating, "Preferred for Roger Clark, Grant fund, truck"

You can also give at:
Click ‘give’; ‘missionaries’&‘Roger Clark, grant fund'

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Serving the Church

A lot has happened since our last update.

First of all we continue to help those who were affected greatly by Hurricane Matthew that hit Haiti in October. There are many who are still without homes, and others who have not recovered from the loss of livestock and farms. Yet, as God enables us, we help however we can.
In our last report, we told how we re-roofed 2 schools, helped rebuild 15 homes and purchased 50 animals: cows, goats, sheep, pigs, turkeys, chickens. Since, then we have helped purchase 2 donkeys, 1 mule and 3 goats. Also, we have helped rebuild 25 homes. One of the homes we helped rebuild was for a woman who was 7 months pregnant when the hurricane destroyed her home. The day she moved back in to her re-built home she gave birth, and she thanked God for His provision. You must understand that it is impossible for women in this village to see a doctor or nurse when they deliver because the only way out is riding a donkey 2 hours and riding in public transportation for another hour.
Secondly, last month our students went out and did student ministry in a church outside of Port-au-Prince where they ministered for 4 days. They had revival meetings every night, and during the day they did teaching in the morning and evangelism in the afternoon. As result, many people were built up and several former members who had left because of conflict, came back to the church. Also, several people were brought to a saving knowledge of Christ during this time. Hold this church up in prayer because they lack strong leaders.

Last but not least, this month we had a team of ladies from Delaware who ministered at a retreat to our New Life Mission women church leaders. We had over 45 women who attended. During the retreat they had asked the ladies to write down anything that was keeping them from fellowship with the Father. While one of them was praying she saw a vision of a glass of water being poured on her paper and everything being washed away. Praise the Lord! I know that all the ladies were really ministered to and lasting change was brought. This same team held a one day conference for the women of Port-au-Prince Fellowship, which is an English speaking church that Margaret and I serve in.

Prayer Requests:
Pray that God gives us health and wisdom.
Pray that the new government may be able to lead this people out of the quagmire they are in.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Hurricane Matthew Relief Photos

We thank the Lord that he has used New Life Mission to meet the needs of many of our church people who lost gardens, homes, and livestock.

New Life Bible College Cafeteria Pictures