Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Monday, October 9, 2017

New Year for New Life Bible College & New car very soon.

Greetings in the beloved name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We pray that this letter finds you doing well in the Lord.

Today is our 5th week of school for New Life Bible College. We thank God for the 90 students who are committed to five years of study. They come every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on most holidays to study the Word of God and be equipped for Christ's service. Some travel 5 hours every week to be trained. They make great sacrifices financially to study the Word of God at New Life Bible College. We thank all of you who sponsor a Bible College student. Many would not be able to come if it was not for your gifts. If you would like to sponsor a student, contact us by email for details.

Almost there!!! -We thank God for all those who have given towards our new double cab pickup truck fund. We only need $4,000 more to arrive at the amount needed to purchase one. A good 4 wheel drive vehicle is essential to the success of our work here in Haiti. It will be used extensively to serve the Haitian people and their churches. Please help us cross the finish line.

Our Leaders - We just finished a mini working retreat for our Haitian mission board. It was a time of great importance in working out some issues we face in New Life Mission of Haiti. We thank God that all went well. Pray for our leaders who face many challenges. One of the challenges Haitian churches are facing is keeping qualified leaders. Many leaders are leaving Haiti due to the poor economy which has worsened over the past few years.

 Troubling Times- Please be praying for Haiti. It is in very difficult times. There is much upheaval because the government is not making wise decisions. There are constant road block and strikes taking place throughout the country. Pray for protection for us and especially for Rachel who has to cross the city of Port-au-Prince every day to teach.

We thank you for your prayers and support of us and the Haitian people.