Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Monday, April 23, 2018

Pavilion Going Up & Leadership Conference

Footers (Foundations for Columns)
Last Month was a very busy month for us. We had John Wicks in who helped kick off the pavilion that we are building for New Life Bible College. After he left, we had our Haitian builders continue putting in the footers (the base or concrete pads for the columns) for the pavilion (12 in all). We now need to pour our concrete columns which will hold up our steel and corrugated roofing system. This second phase of the project is estimated at $3,500. Please consider giving towards this second phase of the project that we might have a nice place for our students to eat their lunches, and to use as a classroom when needed. In the month of March, we had a great retreat for our New Life Mission leaders.

We had 43 leaders who attended this 3 day retreat. We thank Pastor Robert Muncy for bringing 4 speakers from various churches and ministries in the United States to minister to our church leaders. They spoke on “Ministering out of our Relationship with the Father as Sons and Daughters”. This teaching is much needed since our church culture here seeks to merit God’s favor through living right and doing good works, instead of serving Him out of the position they have in Christ.

New Life Mission Leadership Retreat