Haiti Happenings

Haiti Happenings

Monday, January 13, 2020

New Year & New Challenges

Happy New Year to our family, friends and supporters,

It is hard to believe we are into 2020. We want to first and foremost thank God for binging us through 2019. Secondly, we want to thank those who support us through prayer and giving. We could not have done it without you.

As we have mentioned in our regular updates life in Haiti was VERY difficult in 2019. The country has been on strike with protests for most of the fall months with at least 2 months of "lock down".  “Lock down” means that everyone was unable to go out, businesses were closed and if you did go out you took a chance of being attacked.  This went on Monday - Friday for over 2 months.  They did give a 'reprieve' on the weekends so that folks could do shopping and make preparations for the next week. Schools in the city were unable to function at all from October to December.

Although the issues that brought the country into the political crisis have not been resolved, we are thankful things have calmed down. Most businesses, and all government offices have re-opened. Also, all schools began functioning this week. The radical opposition has decided to allow all these things to function once again, mainly due to the fact that their efforts of forcing out the president have failed, and people in general are unwilling to be held hostage by them any longer. Ultimately, we believe it is a miracle how things have improved, and give all the glory to God.  We are believing God for continued improvement in the country.

Despite these many challenges, God was gracious to us and our ministry. He protected everyone in our ministry from harm, supplied our needs, and allowed our elementary schools and Bible school to continue to function.
Prices are still extremely high and life is very difficult for many.  Many folks were without work during the fall months and are now in debt because they were obligated to borrow in order to live.

In light of this, please consider giving a onetime donation of $25 or more that we might be able to help those who are struggling to feed their families.

 Send gifts to:
Elim Fellowship, 1703 Dalton Road, Lima, NY 14485

Please include a note stating "preferred for Roger Clark Grant Fund"