Also, we rejoice in the fact that the local church which we have been rebuilding since the earthquake gave more than half of the money for this project. If it wasn't for their contribution together with the team's contribution, this work would not have been done.

We rejoice in the fact that we recently have been able to purchase some land behind our present location for
expansion of the ministry. We have been praying in this property for
over 18 years. This is a great victory and blessing. We also rejoice in
the fact that God enabled us to buy a new photocopier to replace the old one that died on us.
are beginning to wind down the school year and gearing up for the New
Life Bible College graduation on May 30th. We should have around 15 men
and women who will graduate this year.
we are looking forward to coming to the States this summer. Our 2 month
visitation/vacation schedule is almost complete and we've purchased our
tickets for June 2nd. We are looking forward to seeing family and
Please be praying for:
1) Our students as they haven't all finished paying their school bills.
2) Our students as they will be taking their final exams from May 16th to 23rd.
3) Finances as we have fallen short on some of our ministry expenses.
4) Margaret and I as we have much to do before leaving for the States.
Great job! I'll write about you in his new article on resumesland.com. Thank you